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Alina Rose

How You Make Love Is How You Do Business

Today on the Powerful Stories podcast, I am speaking with executive coach and sensuality mentor for women, Alina Rose. Alina is a Master Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), A Certified Life & Executive Coach, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and PSYCH-K facilitator, as well as a student of Marketing Communications, Journalism and PR.

I am thrilled to bring you this conversation with Alina on changing the script around what being a powerful woman means today. We go deep on everything from using pleasure as your compass for a happier life, to what it means to know yourself intimately, and how where you’re holding back in business can reflect where you’re holding back in the bedroom, and vice versa.

Get your notepad ready, as Alina drops some true gems in this chat. I hope you love it as much as I do.

Topics Discussed

[0:54] Alina talks about how the greatest source of our intelligence is in our body and in our subconscious mind. She explains that sensuality mentoring involves cognitive reprogramming, upgrading our thoughts and understanding the intuition that lives in our body.

[2:17] She talks about nourishing your mind, body and spirit through pleasure, and using pleasure as your compass to a happier life.

[3:21] Why it often takes a game-changing moment for women to stop and learn more about themselves. We discuss the importance of learning how to receive support and advice. Alina says that “we are first and foremost a caretaker of our spirit, which will then overflow to everyone else.”

[5:01] What it means to know yourself intimately, how healing and embracing our traumas and disowned parts of ourselves allows us to do this.

[6:47] We don’t need to be fully healed to find love, or be loveable. We must know the parts of ourselves that we are rejecting, and then allow them to be part of our colour.

[8:07] What intimacy truly means. The importance of the spiritual aspect of intimacy, how you make love is how you do everything else, and why you should ask yourself where you’re not allowing pleasure or receiving, in and out of the bedroom.

[11:12] When we step into our truth, our compass gets realigned and we honour ourselves and become a magnet for everything else that honours us.

[12:27] Alina reveals that a big part of her work with clients is helping women to unlearn things – such as hustling and overwork, before allowing some of ancient ways of living with nature and living with integrity with ourselves to magnify.

[13:43] We discuss the biggest barrier for women in relationships: untangling the heart intelligence and the head intelligence. Alina says often we live in the latter, which is a problem because the heart and womb often know who and what is right for you, while living in our heads often means chasing security and comfort, and avoiding traumas.

[16:32] Tory opens up about the best advice she was given after her near-death experience in 2013. After 12 rounds of antibiotics, her doctors said, ‘the only way you will get better is if you have a happy heart, a happy heart is a magnet for miracles’ – and thanks to finally learning to listen to the language of her body, Tory never had antibiotics again after that day.

[17: 40] Alina talks us through how to listen to your body. She believes the heart is the CEO, the mind is the intern – but most of us let the intern run the company.

[19:53] Alina shares the incredible story of one of her clients whose life was transformed after working with her.

[21:10] Women often subconsciously wait to fully start living their life until they have a partner, so Alina teaches them to start living their life now.

[23:30] Why women still wear the ring from an ex-partner and how we can derive our value from another source, other than the status of being a married woman.

[25:51] Alina shares with us that her next powerful step is to write more and go into author mode. Watch this space!


Where to find Alina Rose

Want to know more about this game-changing executive and sensuality coach?

Website: www.alinarosemuse.com
Instagram: @iamalinarose

Are you ready to take a powerful step forward in business and life? Connect with Tory here: