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Beyond Inspiration: How Female Motivational Speakers Drive Action and Change

I have been fortunate to work and collaborate with many icons, trailblazers, and powerhouses in various fields from the age of 24 – and for the record I am now 49. The energy, the vibrancy, and the unstoppable spirit that these phenomenal women possess has often left me in awe and wonderment, most importantly they have inspired me to take powerful steps forward in business and life.

What is it about women who step up on a stage that fuels this boundless magnitude of positive energy around causing transformation on a global scale? The answer lies not in a textbook but in their narratives, their stories woven word by word, phrase by phrase, in the speeches that incite action and bring about change.

Let’s take  Social psychologist Amy Cuddy as an example.  Amy shared in a Ted Talk that “power posing” — standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident — can boost feelings of confidence, and might have an impact on our chances for success. She starts her talk by offering a free no-tech life hack and request to change your posture for just two minutes. She wants the listener to pay attention to what they’re  doing right now, hoping that if you learn to tweak this a little bit, it could significantly change the way your life unfolds. From this one talk which has clocked up over 68 million views on YouTube Amy has not only inspired but EMPOWERED millions of women around the world to drive action and change.

To the uninitiated, motivational speeches may seem like mere eloquent words and striking anecdotes. However, trust me when I say that they are much more than that. They are the keepers of wisdom, the igniters of change, and the drivers of action. Every time a motivational speaker – more importantly, a female motivational speaker – climbs onto the stage and connects her personal experience with the shared universal sentiments, she shines a light on a path previously hidden from view.

I was introduced to Brene Brown through the viral talk she gave on the power of vulnerability so it was an instant yes when I was invited to hear her speak in my hometown of Sydney Australia. The internet gave her a platform and a voice which was hard to ignore if you are a female leader looking to take powerful steps into the next level of life you deserve to claim. Brené studies human connection — our ability to empathize, belong, love. In a poignant, funny talk.  She backed these insights from her personal research, one that sent her on a quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity.

So, what sets these female motivational speakers apart? It isn’t just the power of their voice but the depth of their journeys that resonates with people across borders, cultures, and experiences.

Firstly, there’s authenticity. These women come from all walks of life and carry with them a wealth of diverse experiences. They share their stories in a raw, sincere manner, not shying away from divulging failures, heartbreaks, and hard-won battles. When they reveal their vulnerabilities, they create a comfort zone, allowing their audiences to lay bare insecurities, fears, and dreams too. This open dialogue, fortified with trust, can inspire and motivate individuals like never before.

 Secondly, relatability. Although the experiences shared might be personal, they often touch chords that are universally felt. You might be sitting halfway across the world in a conference hall and yet feel a lump in your throat or a rapid beating of the heart listening to these women speak about their struggles and their victories. It’s this connection that does more than uplift spirits – it nudges people towards taking that first step towards change, towards action.

Thirdly, they lead by example. Leading with purpose and vision, female motivational speakers not only inspire but also provide roadmaps to success through their personal stories. They demonstrate what’s possible when you convert passion into action, when you rally against the waves instead of going with the flow. Their journeys of breaking the glass ceiling become the lighthouse guiding countless souls seeking to navigate their storms.

In essence, beyond the power of captivating words and persuasion, female motivational speakers are catalysts of change and action – and as an entrepreneur and thought leader who wants to show women how they can share their own unique life story to claim their power it is through the power of your story that you can activate change.  This is why we created the Powerful Steps 5 Point Story Framework which we share in our book Self Belief is Your Superpower and signature Business Attraction Program.  When you take the time to shape your story and reframe your thinking, anything is possible when you anchor your every move (just like Amy, Brene and me!) to your truth, intent and purpose. Following this proven 5 Point Story Framework can alter our perspectives, inspire us to shake off our comfort zones, and encourage us to step onto the path of self-betterment and growth. And the authentic results speak for themselves – women in our Powerful Steps Business Mentoring Programs have on average 20,000 impressions + when they post with purpose on Linkedin attracting results they never thought possible.

As an audience we also have a choice. We can either choose to perceive motivational speeches as just another inspiring session that temporarily ignites a spark, or we can leverage the stories, experiences, and wisdom shared to shape our thought process and actions. I know from personal experience when we get up on stage and speak our truth (in my case success and survival) we build forward momentum as someone, somewhere in the audience will tap into the power of what you are saying and make their own bold moves of change. It takes one story and one woman just like you and I to make a difference- we just need to believe we can.

Women, with their gripping tales of resilience, strength, courage, and unparalleled ambition, not only inspire us but also challenge us. They challenge us to question the status quo, to step beyond the tried and tested, and to confront our insecurities and fears head-on. And in doing so, they open up a world of possibilities where we aren’t just inspired, but we become a part of the ripple effect of change and action.


Know this fact and use it to your advantage  – female motivational speakers transcend the realm of inspiration. Their narratives, hopes, and dreams entwined with ours nurture a shared vision for a better and more inclusive world. They inspire us, certainly. But more than that, they drive us to become drivers of change and action in our spheres of influence, thus creating a continuum of inspiration, action, and change.

The next time you find yourself listening to a motivational speech, remind yourself that it’s not just an opportunity to be inspired. It’s a call to action, an invitation to become a part of the change that the speaker is championing. The power, my friends, is in your hands.

And remember, it all starts with a single small step – so, get out of your own way and take that powerful step to become the change you wish to see.