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Discover, Ignite and Pursue Your True Calling – The Tory Archbold Blueprint

If you’ve ever had the inkling that there must be more to life – more passion, purpose, magic – then you’re not alone! Many of us yearn to find our true calling in life, to fully understand what makes our heart race with excitement and expectation. In my twenties I became a powerful ambassador for relentless pursuit of one’s passion and bold dreams by starting my own PR and Communications Agency TORSTAR and in my forties stepped up and into my power again by saying NO to what no longer served me to once again say YES to what lit me up by creating Powerful Steps an online platform for entrepreneurial woman and those in leadership positions to give themselves permission to follow their heart, not ego in the pursuit of career happiness.

I have and always will encourage people to explore their true calling. Why? Because at an early age people didn’t believe in my big dreams and ambitions to create a difference. They wanted to box me. Shut me up.  Ignore my big ideas.  Now I know I was surrounded by the wrong people and all we need is a little boost from the right people in the right divine timing and we can build forward momentum that will empower us to step up and into our dream life.

I have navigated the choppy currents of passion to success and believe that understanding your passion is a wild and wonderful journey, not a destination. In my own words “Finding your passion isn’t about the end game. It’s about the journey; it’s the adventure and it’s anchored to your truth, intent and life purpose.”

So how do you set out on a journey to find your passion? You first need to engage in a little introspection which I explore in my book Self Belief is Your Superpower.  You cannot light up the world if you don’t truly love and know yourself from the inside out.  Taking ownership of the good, the bad and the ugly means nothing will stand in your way as you have owned your part of the story and understand that each life lesson that came your way was the universe preparing you to level up into the next best version of you with the sole purpose of the lesson to shine a light for others. You become more compassionate and empathetic to others’ struggles because you have been there and you have the ability to show them it’s OK to be struggling, it’s OK to feel scared or uncomfortable because the life lesson has found you for that very reason.  One Of my favourite mantras is this – nothing comes from a comfort zone. Until you face that fact you will never find your power zone (more on that in my book!)

So take a step, the size truly does not matter and ignite the flame within by asking yourself what truly energises you? What causes a tiny spark in your heart to burst into a blazing wildfire? Remember, the things you love are not random – they are your calling. Make ‘observing self’ your first stepping-stone on this inspiring journey.

Finding your passion involves more than just introspection. It’s also about stepping out of that hot beautiful mess you may find yourself and confronting your fears. Fear is a powerful deterrent that can overshadow your passion and self-confidence. The only thing standing between you and your passion is an intricate web of fear and self-doubt. Slice through it!. Embrace fear as an opportunity to learn and grow – it’s your biggest advocate pushing you towards your passion, urging you to leap into the unknown.

When you steer through the gloom of fear and doubt, you will likely discover a plethora of passions – you can discover how to work through this in our 5 Point Story Framework in our signature Business Attraction Program. And it’s okay! Don’t be rushed to pick one; getting overwhelmed is part of the process. If you follow the framework you will clearly see where your passion lies. Remember, passions are not siloed, they are rivers that course through the landscape of your life. Just need to make the time to get to know who you are and what lights you up as once the fog has lifted, and the passion that resonates with you the most comes into focus, it’s a game of venture and tenacity. Pursuing your passion requires relentless commitment, patience, and an ironclad belief in your dreams.

Pursuing your passion doesn’t have to be a lonely journey – get a wingwomen (or man) as supportive relationships not only enrich the passion-chasing process but also fuel resilience when faced with daunting challenges. That is the #1 reason why we created Powerful Steps, so that you can tap into our community of like minded women who have been through similar life experiences and are happy to share their wisdom. Join one of our online programs, listen to the Powerful Stories Podcast or attend an event, a retreat or simply join our #coffeechallange to level up in business and life with a supportive community who has your back. Let people into your world free of judgement, bond over shared dreams, and create a supportive and joyous echo chamber.

Remember that a significant part of finding and pursuing your passion hinges on your ability to believe in yourself (hence writing my book to give you further insights into what self-belief can deliver into your daily orbit). Your confidence, when coupled with passion, becomes a formidable force. Your beliefs about yourself directly impact your actions, and a negative belief can derail you from your track. Believe you can, and you’re halfway there. Doubt is destructive. Armor your passion with unshakable faith in yourself.

Finally, always remember that your passion doesn’t have to stick to the societal confines of what’s considered ‘successful’. Your victories are measured by your sense of happiness and fulfilment. Your passion is yours. It doesn’t have to fit the mould. Let it break boundaries and establish its own rules. In the pursuit of your passion – you define success.