Empowering Leaders. Amplifying Impact. Connecting change-makers.

How to build trust with female leaders

I am often asked how do I build trust with female leaders? My reply is always build a strong foundation and the magic will follow.

The Powerful Steps community is built on a foundation that has created long lasting relationships and a global network anchored to my values of passion, integrity and delivery. A non-negotaible 2 decade commitment of 3 coffee dates a week with 3 different types of people has built advocacy and reputation. Each week I coffee date with someone I know, someone I want to partner with and someone completely outside of my comfort zone. Not only does this build human connection, it builds trust and impact as I base these coffee dates on a mutual exchange of energy.

This strategy works as it built my first business TORSTAR at 24 years of age into a global brand partnering with the world’s top retail brands, influencers and celebrities. At 44 years of age when I created Powerful Steps I applied the same strategy and last week as we launched a partnership with Commonwealth Private the women in the room who are leaders in their field were testament to that trust we have built within our community and business partners. I believe if you show people how and why they can work with you by creating a memorable experience they will advocate for you. When you have advocacy you can create and deliver more impact as a global leader.

Actions always speak louder than words which is why after each event we host there is always advocacy across social media channels talking about the people they have met and how this coffee date strategy truly does work. Our female leaders don’t just meet at an event, they follow up with a coffee date and connect with purpose to make a difference by offering to help and empower others.

Here is an example of how it works:

When Robyn Saranah and I launched the Powerful Steps x Commonwealth Private partnership to empower women in business and life last week there was magic in the air as we all came together to lean into the power of connection and community which is the heart of who we are and what we stand for. The perfect example of the beautiful infusion that comes from a close network and a real-life example of what happens when you have the right people in the room to help build your business. Whether that’s through the ecosystem of sisterhood or the ability to enable your business to grow financially whenever you need it. Deep diving on our ability to understand what our financial future looks and feels like is important which is why we agreed to this partnership as it benefits both of our networks that are mutually focused on empowering female leaders.

Being in a room with like-minded leaders works. Coming from a PR network I understand the power of ROI for each guest. We have a responsibility to ask the right women, the ones who we know will appreciate what we are offering and will take action. When you invest in events to build community spirit and advocacy as a business you invite people you know are aligned and willing to create and deliver impact. We also spoke on a topic that empowered women to take action which means ROI for both parties.

Often people look at events and ask why I was not in that room?

I invite you to think about the last time you reached out or connected to decision makers and changemakers. Asked them for help or offered how you could help them. That’s the way these connections work. You don’t sit back and wait for something to happen, you take action and make it happen. You invest in relationships and those relationships in turn invest in you.

The first powerful step you can take today is to book in for a coffee date with me here and discover how you can join our community and how we can help you.

I would also encourage you to continue your Powerful Steps journey by joining our 2024 Business Attraction Program, Business Activation Retreat or Empowering You Personal Branding Shoot. We are a community fuelled by human connection and it is my belief that together we rise.