Empowering Leaders. Amplifying Impact. Connecting change-makers.

From Boardrooms to Breakthroughs: Empowering others is the name of the game.

We all know that women have faced numerous challenges in the business world. Being married to a man who was called male, stale, and pale from a female department head, I know this conversation swings both ways. Change is happening, and women (and men) are taking charge of their careers like never before. They don’t want to be boxed, and they want to be part of a leadership team that lifts them up, not down.

Today, I want to explore some core trends and tips that senior executives aged 45-55 can apply in both their business and personal lives to empower and support others.

The first trend to consider is mentorship and sponsorship. Where would we be today if someone had not gifted us their time, energy, and wisdom to show us the way forward? As a senior executive, you can provide mentorship and sponsorship by offering advice, advocating for them, and providing opportunities for growth and development. I do this daily with our Powerful Steps community; it not only wakes others up but also creates joy when I see others succeed.

In addition to mentoring and sponsoring, listening to those around you is essential. By creating an environment where others feel heard and valued, you can help to foster a culture of inclusion and support. This can include creating a safe space for others to share their experiences, concerns, and ideas and taking action to address any issues that arise. We do this well in our Power Zone Community, a privately heart-led business community where we lean on each other for support and advice.

It is essential to recognize the importance of work-life balance. Women, in particular, often face unique challenges when balancing work and family responsibilities, and it is necessary to create an environment that supports their needs. This can include offering flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting or part-time work, and providing resources and support for working parents. Let’s face it— the juggle can be honest, and it is OK to ask for help.

In addition to these core trends, there are three tips I recommend senior executives can apply to support others in their business and personal lives:

1. Be an advocate for others. Speak up on their behalf, advocate for their ideas and contributions, and actively support their career development.

2. Create a culture of inclusion. Actively listen to others, create a safe space for them to share their experiences and ideas, and take action to address any issues that arise.

3. Celebrate others’ achievements. Recognize their contributions, celebrate their successes, and promote their achievements to others.

We all have the opportunity to play a vital role in promoting those around us. Breaking through the barriers and reaching the top is not easy—my motto has always been, “together we rise.”

With the proper support and empowerment, we can all achieve our full potential and significantly impact our industries. Mentorship and sponsorship programs, flexible work arrangements, gender bias training, leadership development programs, and pay equity policies are all essential tools to help others break through the glass ceiling and reach new heights.

Want to learn more?

Our next Business Attraction Program starts AEST 1 May 2024 – details to join are here.

Much love,

TORY xox