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3 Simple Ways To Reinvent Yourself In A Virtual World

Let’s face it. Times are changing and you can no longer hide under a rock if you want to survive in a virtual world. The biggest question I am asked each week is how do I reinvent myself? People ask this question because our global workforce is transforming at a rapid pace and to survive we need to conquer the challenges we are facing. To do this we need to be agile in our thinking to remain relevant and most importantly to retain and attract success.

To put it simply – its called a reset and there has never been a more powerful time to lead the way. Reinvention requires human connection – it is not only a deeply ingrained need, it’s a powerful tool. Now more than ever, we must stay consciously connected.

I like living life simply so that what I do acts as a super attractor for what I deserve. That means that every day I work in alignment with my core values – passion, integrity and delivery. It took years to master this art and below are my 3 simple tips you can action today to retain and attract success in a virtual world.

1) Step outside of your comfort zone and become visible to others. How can they remember you if they don’t know who you are and what you’re doing? Show them your professional journey in an authentic way showcasing the foundations of your success. Linkedin is the perfect opportunity for you to remain relevant with content you can control. For B2B this is the most effective way to build your tribe and stay connected.

2) Don’t be afraid to show your value and celebrate a successful project you have been involved in. No-one outside of your team will know your success if you don’t celebrate it and show others a relevant case study they can aspire to achieve too. Be generous and include others who helped you make it happen by tagging and referencing their name and business. Show you are a team player who celebrates not only your success but the success of others.

3) If your not happy – be the change you wish to see in the world (my favourite quote from Ghandi) he truly nailed it. If you want things to change, lead the way, show others the footprint they can follow – like attracts like – its the law of attraction so be brave enough to start again….

Tory Archbold is an inspirational speaker who mentors entrepreneurs in Australia and the US. She talks about the power of how three coffee dates a week can build your global tribe. For more information or to book Tory for your next corporate workshop visit powerfulsteps.com.au